Friday, January 29, 2010

Book Club ~ Two Thousand Ten


I was going to write this tomorrow because I wanted to give my first post today enough "air time." But I don't have enough time tomorrow to get everything done as it is, so I figured I shouldn't add a blog post to the list of things to do tomorrow.

The Novelteatalker's Book Club is resuming on Monday, February 1st. Will you please join us? This is rather late notice, I know. Aren't you glad I'm posting this today instead of tomorrow? Our book is Heaven Taken By Storm by Thomas Watson and you can read it online here if you don't already have a copy. Lord willing we will post on a chapter each Monday (or every other Monday if there's too much goin' on).

I do hope you will join us as we learn from Thomas Watson what it is to "take Heaven by storm."

"...the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force." Matthew 11:12

For the Novelteatalkers,



Lily said...

Sarah. Blair. What is two-thousand ten??? I thought we had agreed that it is properly said: "twenty-ten"! ; )

Sarah said...

I was waiting for you to say something :) I is "twenty-ten." But it looks so much better and "talk time-ish" written out "two thousand ten." So there ya go... Love you!