Monday, August 23, 2010

A Note of Apology

I need to apologize for the lack of posting in the last month (especially after the 2 comments on the previous post).

The exciting news is that I got a digital camera from Mama and Daddy for my graduation gift. Now there will be no more pictures of my creations with my shirt in the background! (I've found it really is amazing what great pictures can be taken when you don't have to stand in front of the computer and hold up the objects you're taking pictures of. A whole new world.) The sad part is, that I don't know how to get my pictures from the picture program that they automatically upload to, to Picasa Web Albums so I can make a slide show of our vacation. Wouldn't it be lovely if I could figure out how to upload them right to Picasa? Does anyone know if there's a way that I would be able to figure out? Emphasis on I.

So, I do have tons of great pictures from our vacation and things I've made and done since our vacation but I'm still trying to figure out how to get them into slide show format. I would appreciate any help I can get on this.

I have also been very busy making 218 wedding invitation for a friend and that has limited my time to work on this picture problem. The invitations are very close to finished and now it's time to get ready to go to New York (in 16 days. I'm sure you are all counting, right?). So, Lord willing, in the next 16 days I will work on this picture problem and leave for New York with fresh posts of our vacation/other happenings.

I do apologize.


Jessica said...

Hey, I'm countin' with ya! :-) Congrats on graduation, and on the camera! What picture program do you photos download to? I'll be happy to help you figure things out. Unless you get it fixed before then, I'll refresh my Picasa knowledge and send you and email and see if that helps. :)

Jessica said...

P.S. The ticker for the Greenville conference is awesome. ;)

brite said...

Now dear, you know that the ribbing was in jest! I, of all people, am not one to talk about infrequent posting. We all have real lives and they take precedence over telling about those lives. So anyway, get to it when you can!

As for Picasa, my picture program loads them to "my pictures" but I name the file by date, and then they automatically end up in Picasa. The way I understand it, Picasa doesn't actually contain any pictures, it just pulls from everything on your computer and organizes them. Our computer has a virus so I'm using a loaner (which doesn't have Picasa) so I can't walk you through it, but I'm sure you can figure it out (or maybe there is someone closer who can help).

Sarah said...


I know it was all in jest. I appreciate that. I was thankful for the reminder that I needed to post SOMETHING even if it wasn't pictures. I'll be working on the picture problem in the next week before I leave (it's made it to almost the top of the priority list :). I've gotten several helpful e-mails and between those and your comment I might be able to figure this out. Thank you! Lord willing, there will be pictures on Talk Time before September 8th.