Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Slowness in the Blog World something on Talk Time. Something to explain why there have been no book club posts, quote club posts, or any posts in general.

Basically the blog is on hold for the next couple of weeks. I am eagerly awaiting Lily's last day of school so she can enter the blog world again!

As for me, I just finished the dishes, have to stop by the piano and practice me C major and A minor scales for my piano lesson tomorrow on my way upstairs to finish a chemistry problem, read 50 pages of my history book, get all my things together for my long piano teaching/math/choir day tomorrow and get to bed before, hopefully, 10:30.

It has been so busy around here in the past few weeks (and only getting busier as I try to finish up things before June, when Lord willing, I'll graduate) and Lily has been in her own busy world of finishing her first year of college.

Lord willing, somewhere around the middle of May we'll get back to book clubbing. I am hoping that we'll finish Heaven Taken By Storm before we see each other in July and then start God's Passion for His Glory when we're together for our summer week. It's coming so quickly!

And besides that, I'm just really hoping that Lily's gonna do a lot of posting over the summer!

Until May then....

Helpless but for His mercy,

The Novelteatalkers

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