Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Did You Know...

Did you know that Lily has been in England these past ten days?

Did you know that she got to worship at Ian Hamilton's church on Sunday?

Did you know that she didn't take me with her, but she did take another friend of hers who takes great pictures?

Did you know that, as badly as I want to worship in Ian Hamilton's church, I'm really glad she took the other friend because I get great pictures out of the deal...if she ever sends them to me.

Did you know that if Lily would write a blog post either from England or with lots of pictures of England by the end of this week I would either send her a Starbucks gift card or make her a set of note cards?

Did you know I'm trying to bribe her to write on OUR blog?

Did you know, I feel like I'm writing a kids' book?

Did you know that I hope you're having a great day and maybe the next post in this place will be by Lily.


brite said...

Ian Hamilton just did our church conference two weeks ago- it was so refreshing and encouraging. He and his traveling companion stayed with Ben Trice for three days, so they got lots of time. Cooper said he loved the conference. I was surprised, just because I didn't think a 5 year old would get that much out of sitting still for long periods, but he said he really liked his voice. :)

As a member of the Talk Time Fan Club, can I second the motion to get some pictures from England?

Sarah said...


Oh yes! Ian Hamilton is wonderful. I've been to several conference he's spoken at and heard some online, too, and they're always so good. He did a marriage conference in Greensboro last year that was excellent! You can get those lectures online, if you're interested in hearing them, I'll send you the link. Glad Cooper enjoyed the conference :) I love his voice too :) If I said exactly the same things he said they just wouldn't be as good without the accent :)

As for being a member of the Talk Time Fan Club, I'm so glad you're a member, and please do second the motion. I need all the help I can get in getting those pictures and a post or two out of Lily :)

brite said...

Please send the link! Would you believe :::::embarrassed::::: that I had NEVER heard Ian Hamilton preach until two weeks ago? He was such a humble yet direct man. Would love to hear more...

Lily said...

Did he do a conference on evangelism? He did it at our church as well...must have been during the same visit to the States, because Douglas (his traveling companion) was with him.

I love his preaching! The evening sermon last week was about Peter denying Christ. It was SO GOOD. I was so humbled and encouraged by God's grace.