Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sipping Tea With Us

To all our blog readers:

I have added a "spot" on our sidebar for followers. Somehow there are some who were following us before but I'm not sure how. Now it's much easier: just click the "follow" button.

Hope you enjoy your cups of tea with us every once in a while.


brite said...

FYI...I follow you through my google reader, but I don't think it shows up on the sidebar if you don't actually follow through that link. (?) I may be wrong. Also, if you ever want to find out how many people subscribe to your blog in their Google reader, just subscribe to your own blog, and then unsubscribe, and it will tell you the number there.

Sarah said...

Thanks for the reader info, Brite. I'm gonna go see how many people subscribe :) Thanks for following us through your reader. You might be the only one...I'm about to find out.