Thursday, April 21, 2011

What Shall I Say?

Last night our family (minus Ethan, who is eagerly anticipating the day that he can read the book) watched The Fellowship of the Ring, in celebration of Noah having recently finished reading the trilogy.

Now be it clearly said that I do not enjoy watching movies all that much. I actually watched it last night (for the first time) for the simple purpose of working on my movie-watching/enjoying/interpreting skills, which are dull and unpracticed. There are exceptions to every rule, such as Pride and Prejudice, but even then, I can enjoy that movie (many times) and by about 3 hours into it I'm just ready for it to be over and can we please not sit here anymore watching a love story? Not because I don't enjoy a love story (I do!) but because I would rather sit across the table from a dear friend who just got engaged and enter into her love story over a cup of tea (or hot water) and enjoy love stories that way, rather than watching an imaginary one on a screen, that stirs up the emotions without satisfying, and then leaves us to turn off the movie and walk away with nothing but the feeling that will be half gone when I wake up the next morning.

There are many reasons for this lack of interest in film which I am still puzzling out in my mind. There's much I'm thinking about and working on and learning about myself and about how to enjoy good film. Perhaps my thoughts will one day spill into a blog post here in this quiet spot.

But as I was watching last night, (without wanting to allegorize the story too much - it's clearly not as strictly an allegory as, say, The Chronicles of Narnia), I do think it's allegorical in some ways, but without wanting to go into all of that, I did want, so badly, to end a blog post this way...

"Let's hunt some orc."


Lily said...

Love this! haha...

Sarah said...

Glad you smiled. I thought you might like that post :)