"Labor therefore diligently, that not only out of the time of temptation, but also in the danger and conflict of death, when your conscience is thoroughly afraid with the remembrance of your sins past, and the devil assaults you with great violence, going about to overwhelm you with heaps, floods, and whole seas of sins, to terrify you, to draw you from Christ, and to drive you to despair; that then, I say, you may be able to say with sure confidence, Christ the Son of God was given, not for the righteous and holy, but for the unrighteous and sinners. If I were righteous and had no sin, I should have no need of Christ to be my reconciler. Why then, Oh you peevish Satan, will you make me to be holy, and to seek righteousness in myself, when in very deed I have nothing in my but sins, and most grievous sins? Not feigned or trifling sins, but such as are against the first table; to wit, great infidelity, doubting, despair, contempt for God, hatred, ignorance, and blaspheming of God, unthankfulness, abusing of God's name, neglecting, loathing, and despising the word of God, and such like." ~ Martin Luther
Have an outstanding day!
In Him who died for the unrighteous,
Sarah Blaira thank you for both quotes. They're a salve to my soul and the reminders I needed at this time.
Mrs. Larson
Mrs. Larson~
I'm so glad you're still reading :) It makes me smile to know that you enjoy the blog. These quotes were given to me by a very special friend at church and I have read them, and re-read them, and re-read them again...they have been such an encouragement and refreshment to my soul. I'm so glad they have blessed you too! What a great day it will be when we get to meet all the saints who have gone before us and encouraged us time and time again with their "notable quotables." Such encouragement to a weary soul!
Have a great evening,
To the King!
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