Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Subduing Kingdoms

Ah, school has started...officially for me 10 hours and 33 minutes ago: 8:45 this morning! So, the posts will be fewer and farther between now. If Lily is reading this she's probably laughing because she knows that I will probably post "only" once or twice a week now...instead of every day! But then, I'll just remind her that if she's not gonna blog on "our" blog then I guess I'll just have to do it for her. ha ha....

So, I did not finish Book Two of Calvin's Institutes. Am I discouraged? No way! ha ha... I am really close. I think I have less than 50 pages. It was a goal on top of a goal to finish it by the end of August. So, I did bite off a big chunk and now I have an "appetizing" portion to do for September while I get back into the hang of this whole school thing. So, I'll settle for the first goal: finish it by the end of September :)

But, I did read Jane Eyre this summer. Leah and Lily are so happy with me. I mean, I actually read what they wanted me to read! It's rare that they have their way with me in the reading department. But I did read Jane Eyre...and really enjoyed it!

Now I need to read David Copperfield. Leah "gave me permission" to read it after I finish the second book of Calvin. So, she's given me a little slack in the tight rope of reading assignments she has for me :) ha ha... So, that's the next thing I need to tackle.

But for now I'm just enjoying the school year: all 10 hours and 33 minutes of it! It's so wonderful to really get back into the routine of it. It can be wearying when you begin to realize that the same kingdoms that you subdued yesterday are waiting to be subdued all over again today. But, the Lord is so gracious...and provides us with everything that we need to bring Him glory right now...in this moment. So, that's how we come before His face: just give us the grace to bring You glory. Even if not every little check-box is checked by the end of the day remind us that our calling is to glorify You! Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him.

So, I hope you have all had a wonderful second day of September...bringin' Him all the glory because that's our calling: whether we're doin' a grammar lesson, practicing piano, folding another load of laundry, cleaning the kitchen, or just enjoying a cup of tea and a couple quiet moments...may His name be magnified in all the earth! Have a great evening!

Always for the King,



Lily said...

Thanks for that reminder Sarah...I have grown a little weary of subduing the very same kingdoms today that I thought I subdued yesterday!!! Cleaning the same house I cleaned yesterday...buying groceries again...washing Tommy's Auburn uniform AGAIN...reading MORE Gulliver's Travels...pushing the snooze button on my alarm clock 500 times before I actually get up...I mean, what's the point of all this? I am thankful that the Lord receives even in the most mundane services!

Off to subdue more kingdoms...

What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. —Martin Luther

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or are there more people who thank the Lord they have a good education but don't exactly enjoy being educated?